The Express Lanes still get you where you need to go faster and more reliably. But now, there's a new rate for larger vehicles across the 495, 95 and 395 Express Lanes. Vehicles 7 feet and taller pay 3x the current toll. So, a $5 standard toll becomes a $15 toll. Vehicles under 7 feet aren't affected.
Keep your plans moving with faster, predictable travel on the Express Lanes. You can ride the
495, 95 and 395 Express Lanes for free at any time with three or more passengers and your E-
ZPass® Flex set to HOV ON. Is your vehicle over 7 feet, but meets the HOV-3+ requirements?
You won’t be charged the 3x rate! Buses can use the Express Lanes free of charge
We're here to bring you up to speed on the 3x rate change and what the Lanes offer.